Fear of a Fuhrer

Brockett Trap Room

Thu, Apr 14 at 9:15 pm
Length: 1:30
Writer/Project Coordinator: Abi Basch (MFA Playwriting)
German Dramaturgy: Lissa Lehmenkuhler & 3 guest actors
Interdisciplinary, Multi-lingual, Production

In an abandoned warehouse the bodies hang by strings, forgotten rotten refuse strewn, seven villages once peopled now puppet, and the girl made of puppet is made to radish, as the army of metal lovers destroys, the enemy loves, ants cry, stars fall from the sky, a small doll creaks through the wreckage and the coin monkey claps. A cloud passes over the sun.

A collaboratively generated exploration of puppetry, movement, language and silence to approach the impossible impulses of violence and devotion. This project is being created in conjunction with the Department of Germanic Studies and University of HildesheimÂ’s Medien- und Theaterwissenshaft Department.