An essential part of creating a production is promoting your piece. The PR and Marketing Executive Committee members serve to promote the Festival as a whole, but promotion of individual pieces fall on the creative team.
Remember - you must submit your poster designes on our interactive wiki by February 25, 2011. If you create promotional materials that have not received written approval (via email) from the PR and Marketing Executive Committee chairs, Courtney Sale and Nicole Barnes, you will not be allowed to distribute your materials. As a part of the Festival, your promotional materials must adhere to specific guidelines. If you print your materials without approval and it does not fit the guidelines exactly, you will be prohibited from distributing them and could jepordize the future of the Festival. Please do not waste your time and money by printing your materials before they have been approved.
We will have a poster-hanging clothesline to display in the Winship Atrium starting in early March. Submit your approved poster in hard copy on March 7, 2011 to be included. Please remember, you may not tape your poster to any walls, doors, or windows in the Winship Building. If you do, they will be taken down and thrown away by maintainance crews.
Download the Promotional Materials Guidelines below.
Click here to download Adobe Acrobat.